Referral Form

Make A Referral

Once information is received, a staffing with DCS/PO will be scheduled to staff the case.
To consider a child for a referral, please send the following items to
1. Previous psychological evaluations
2. Previous provider reports (past and current)
3. Psychiatric assessments (to include acute discharge plans)
4. Maximus/QRTP assessments
5. School records 
6. Medical documents (PCP reports, any medical documents that explain medical concerns/allergies)
7. Court documentation (PI/PDR, 3.10/3.11, previous orders, police reports)
8. CFTM notes
9. Placement history
The exclusionary criteria include the following:

1. Youth younger than 10 or older than 18

2. Youth who present with substance use as primary reason for admission or need a medical model detoxification

3. Youth with medical/behavioral presentation so acute that participation in the program is not safe (active psychosis, homicidal and/or suicidal ideation that compromises safety, active self-harming/specific medical conditions requiring medical care not available on site)

4. Youth with documented/present with primary sexually harmful behavior that has not been successfully treated

5. Youth with documented IQ index 60 or Below or severe Developmental Delays

6. Youth who present with primary antisocial behaviors that are judged at pre-admission to not be associated with psychiatric or developmental or neurological conditions

    Reason for Referral (check all that apply)*

    *Denotes required fields.